Peace pole installed in Wailuku serves as a beacon of hope
A blessing was held at a recently installed Peace Pole fronting the Hale Pono Youth Shelter in Wailuku. The installation was made possible by the Rotary Club of Kīhei Wailea, symbolizing the web of peace that is being created around the world.
“This pole serves as a beacon of hope and a reminder of our shared responsibility to cultivate peace in our hearts and communities. The Peace Pole represents our ongoing efforts to bring more peace to our communities and to inspire others to join us in this mission,” said Rotary representatives.
“The Rotary Club of Kīhei-Wailea is committed to spreading and reinforcing a global message of peace through planting Peace Poles that say “May Peace Prevail on Earth” in eight languages all over Maui,” said Al Weiland, Maui Coastal Assistant Governor for Rotary D5000.
“This Peace Pole is a monument that displays ‘May Peace Prevail on Earth’ in eight different languages. Peace is not just something you wish. Peace is: Something you make, Something you are, Something you do, Something you give away,” said Jay Satenstein, President of Rotary Club of Kīhei Wailea/
“It is an honor to bring peace on Maui more visible with peace poles during a time when we need it the most. By installing more peace poles and educating more on peace, we can only hope that peace will prevail,” said Wendy Hornack, Maui Valley Assistant Governor for Rotary D5000.

The Teran James Young Foundation is dedicated to creating peace, fostering sustainability, and promoting restorative practices in our communities and beyond. Based in Maui, the foundation works through various programs to uplift individuals, families, and organizations, empowering them to embrace nonviolent communication, conflict resolution, and peace-building initiatives.
The mission is to build a world where peace and sustainability are woven into the fabric of everyday life. “We believe in the transformative power of inner peace to bring about change in our communities and the world,” according to foundation members.
Programs include the following:
- Nonviolent Communication for the Next Generation: Teaching youth and educators the power of empathy, understanding, and effective communication in schools.
- Maluhia Mediation: Providing conflict resolution services to help individuals and groups find peaceful solutions.
- Hale Pono Youth Shelter: Offering a safe haven for at-risk youth, providing them with support, stability, and resources to thrive.
- Restorative Justice Center: Promoting alternatives to the traditional justice system, focusing on healing and accountability for all involved.
- \Maui Community Energy Alliance: Working toward a sustainable future in Maui by promoting clean energy solutions, reducing our carbon footprint, and fostering community-wide collaboration on sustainability efforts.