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Seaglider benefits explored for local communities

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A study shows most residents support the introduction of seaglider interisland service. Courtesy photo

A study commissioned by the Hawai’i Seaglider Initiative has found that 78% of Hawai’i residents support the introduction of an interisland sea glider service, according to an announcement.

The initiative is a coalition of local stakeholders working to increase awareness and adoption of seagliders in the state.

According to an announcement, the Hawaiʻi Center for Advanced Transportation Technologies, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and the Hawai’i Community Development Authority have joined the initiative “to explore the benefits of seagliders to local communities, signaling a growing momentum to bring affordable, accessible and sustainable transportation solutions to the state.”  


“We look forward to working together to respond to local needs,” said Veronica Rocha, co-administrator of the initiative.

“The expansion of the initiative is a testament to the shared need to connect communities across Hawai’i with affordable, sustainable transportation solutions that unlock access to essential goods and services,” added the Co-administrator David Uchiyama.

The study examined the potential effects of seagliders on the community and island culture, the environment, infrastructure, resiliency, workforce development and education to identify needs and deliver actionable recommendations.


The study found seagliders will increase accessibility for residents, creating pathways to high-paying jobs and educational opportunities and providing lifesaving medical care and timely natural disaster relief.

“Understanding the feasibility of offering seaglider transportation in Hawai’i will provide new opportunities to empower native Hawaiians and help them gain better access to healthcare and other essential needs,” said Stacy Kealohalani Ferreira Office of Hawaiian Affairs Ka Pouhana (chief executive officer). “We look forward to exploring how seagliders can improve their overall wellbeing, whether through improving access to jobs and education or providing life-saving services.”

“Kewalo Basin Harbor could provide the ideal space to host seagliders. Soon, the Ala Moana pedestrian bridge will be complete, leading from the harbor and connecting people from other islands to the Kaka‘ako and Ala Moana neighborhoods. The central location offers easy access by many modes of transportation to various service providers, businesses and recreational activities,” said Craig Nakamoto, Hawai’i Community Development Authority executive director. “We’re joining HSI to contribute to modernizing harbors with technology for the future, expanding economic opportunities, and most importantly, connecting people and our communities.”


“We’re partnering with the Hawai’i Seaglider Initiative to advance our mission to inspire and transform Hawaiʻi’s clean energy future,” said David Molinaro, the Hawaiʻi Center for Advanced Transportation Technologies director. “Together, we can make Hawai’i the leader in zero-emission transportation technologies that improve lives and reduce climate risks.”

Adoption of zero-emission vessels, such as seagliders, will advance Hawai‘i’s public- and private-sector decarbonization efforts. Seagliders can offset up to 30% of CO2e emissions from inter-island commercial aviation travel, based on existing energy sources, the study found.

This year, the Hawai’i State Energy Office cited all-electric seagliders as part of the state’s decarbonization plans, and HSI was featured in the Southwest One Report as Southwest Airlines’ first public engagement on battery-electric propulsion technologies with zero direct emissions and Hawaiian Airlines Annual Sustainability report as a key partner in reducing emissions in the state.

In 2025, HSI will focus on the necessary seaglider implementation efforts to enable these benefits. 

The initiative will explore how to modernize the state’s maritime transportation network and facilitate renewable energy infrastructure; develop education and workforce development programs; and continue to host community events to engage residents and cultural groups.


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