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Harold K.L. Castle Foundation announces executive leadership transition

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Alex Harris as president and Eric Co as CEO will succeed Terry George effective July 1

The Harold K.L. Castle Foundation has announced that president and CEO Terry George will retire on July 1, 2025, after 22 years of dedicated service to the organization. The foundation’s board has appointed Alex Harris as president and Eric Co as CEO, introducing a co-leadership model to guide the organization into the future. Harris will oversee all grantmaking, strategy, and impact, while Co will manage internal operations, external communications, and special projects.

“Alex and Eric share equal ownership of our mission and goals, but with distinct roles and responsibilities,” said Mitch D’Olier, chair of the Harold K.L. Castle Foundation. “This new collaborative leadership model will enable us to leverage the diverse strengths and talents of both leaders in our growth as an organization.”

These appointments are the culmination of a succession process which began a year ago when George confirmed with the HKL Castle Foundation board his intent to step down in 2025. With assistance from a consultant, the board developed a success profile for the president and CEO role and provided coaching for the two internal candidates.


“We originally thought we would be picking one of these two fabulous leaders as the next president and CEO and risking the loss of the one who wasn’t selected,” added D’Olier.  “But instead of competing with each other for the position, Alex and Eric surprised and delighted the board by proposing a shared leadership approach that takes advantage of both of their strengths.  The board unanimously decided that this was the best approach to lead the Foundation into the future while remaining firmly committed to the Foundation’s existing programs in statewide public education and ocean resiliency, regional community climate adaptation, and place-based grantmaking in Koʻolauloa and Koʻolaupoko.”

“The board, our foundation staff and ‘ohana are so thankful for Terry’s tireless leadership over the past two decades,” said board vice chair James McIntosh, who is also the great grandson of Harold K.L. Castle.  “His commitment to being a servant leader embodies the spirit of our founder, and he has helped to shape the vision for where our foundation is today.”

The mission of the Harold K.L. Castle Foundation is complex, seeking upward mobility for all young people, healthy reefs and fisheries across our Paeʻāina, and resilient Windward communities. A co-leadership model is rooted in the Foundation’s values, offering a new organizational structure for a new era that builds our capacity to grow together and drive impact.


Eric Co joined the Foundation in 2011 to run its ocean programs and is currently its vice president for resiliency, leading all environmental grantmaking, ‘āina-based education, and climate work.  He previously served as marine program coordinator at The Nature Conservancy of Hawaiʻi and as the pacific region restoration specialist for NOAA with programs in Hawaiʻi, Guam, and the CNMI.  Co holds an MBA and an MA from the University of Hawaiʻi and serves as a trustee for Bishop Museum and the Polynesian Voyaging Society.  

“I am humbled and honored to work with Alex, the board, and staff to help sustain these islands, communities, and culture that make our home so special,” said Co.

Alex Harris joined the Foundation in 2013 to lead its public K-12 and higher education programs and is currently its vice president of programs, overseeing the Foundation’s overall strategy development and impact evaluation while also still leading the education team.  He previously served as a key member of the Office of Strategic Reform of the Hawaii Department of Education, co-founder and deputy director of the US Education Delivery Institute, and program director for education of the National Governors Association.  Harris holds an MA from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and serves as vice-chair of the Hawaii State Public Charter School Commission and chair of the Hawaiʻi Workforce Funders Collaborative. 


“I am excited for this new chapter, to join with Eric in working with our board and staff to advance Mr. Castle’s enduring vision of resilient people and healthy islands,” said Harris.

The Harold K.L. Castle Foundation is also pleased to announce the promotion of Ann Matsukado to treasurer and Maria Quidez to program officer. Matsukado previously served as controller and grants manager, while Quidez was a program associate.


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