Maui Business

Only Aloha Here launches new ‘Hoʻoilo Collection’ honoring Lono

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Only Aloha Here launches their new “Hoʻoilo Collection” honoring Lono. There will also be a fashion show and grand opening of Public House Provisions in Makawao. PC: Artistry8

Only Aloha Here is set to launch its latest collection, “Hoʻoilo,” with a public fashion show and exclusive shopping experience on Sunday, March 23, at 4 p.m. The event will also celebrate the grand opening of Public House Provisions, a new retail space located behind Makawao Public House, dedicated to showcasing local creators.

“Ho’oilo is not just a collection; it is a heartfelt homage to the rich cultural tapestry of our history, our stories, and our people,” said Wailani Artates, the ‘ōiwi creator behind Only Aloha Here. “Each print is designed to honor the kinolau of Lono, representing resilience, sustenance, skill and creativity.”

  • Only Aloha Here launches their new “Hoʻoilo Collection” honoring Lono. There will also be a fashion show and grand opening of Public House Provisions in Makawao. PC: Artistry8
  • Only Aloha Here launches their new “Hoʻoilo Collection” honoring Lono. There will also be a fashion show and grand opening of Public House Provisions in Makawao. PC: Artistry8
  • Only Aloha Here launches their new “Hoʻoilo Collection” honoring Lono. There will also be a fashion show and grand opening of Public House Provisions in Makawao. PC: Artistry8
  • Only Aloha Here launches their new “Hoʻoilo Collection” honoring Lono. There will also be a fashion show and grand opening of Public House Provisions in Makawao. PC: Artistry8
  • Only Aloha Here launches their new “Hoʻoilo Collection” honoring Lono. There will also be a fashion show and grand opening of Public House Provisions in Makawao. PC: Artistry8

Public House Provisions will feature a carefully curated selection of local brands, including Auamo, Epik Style, Goddess Glow Skincare, Happy Galo Creates, Keepin’ It Relle, Made by Mama, Napili Flo Farm, Rico Custom Creations, Ruki the Label, Shop Erika, Sonny K Maui, Tricky’s Maui, and exclusive merchandise from Makawao Public House.

Only Aloha Here launches their new “Hoʻoilo Collection” honoring Lono. There will also be a fashion show and grand opening of Public House Provisions in Makawao. PC: Artistry8

The event invites the community to celebrate culture, craftsmanship, and local talent. For updates, follow on Instagram: @onlyalohahere and @publichouseprovisions, or visit

  • Only Aloha Here launches their new “Hoʻoilo Collection” honoring Lono. There will also be a fashion show and grand opening of Public House Provisions in Makawao. PC: Artistry8
  • Only Aloha Here launches their new “Hoʻoilo Collection” honoring Lono. There will also be a fashion show and grand opening of Public House Provisions in Makawao. PC: Artistry8
  • Only Aloha Here launches their new “Hoʻoilo Collection” honoring Lono. There will also be a fashion show and grand opening of Public House Provisions in Makawao. PC: Artistry8
  • Only Aloha Here launches their new “Hoʻoilo Collection” honoring Lono. There will also be a fashion show and grand opening of Public House Provisions in Makawao. PC: Artistry8
  • Only Aloha Here launches their new “Hoʻoilo Collection” honoring Lono. There will also be a fashion show and grand opening of Public House Provisions in Makawao. PC: Artistry8


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