Council committee conducting online survey to rate Maui County’s funding priorities

The Budget, Finance and Economic Development Committee has created an online survey to gather information on how Maui County residents want their tax dollars spent, Committee Chair Yuki Lei K. Sugimura announced.
Sugimura said the survey is being released as the council prepares to review the mayor’s proposed fiscal year 2026 budget, which runs from July 1, 2025, to June 30, 2026. The mayor’s proposed budget will be presented to the council today, kicking off the council’s annual budget session.
“Balancing funding for essential services, programs and critical community needs is the most important task the county council undertakes each year,” said Sugimura, who holds the seat for the Upcountry residency area and serves as vice-chair of the council. “The committee will need to weigh those priorities, and this survey is one of the ways residents can provide their input.”
Over the next several weeks, the committee will vet the proposal during daytime meetings in the Council Chamber and evening meetings throughout the county’s residency areas, Sugimura said. Community members will be able to provide oral testimony at these meetings as well. A link to the survey, meeting agendas and more information are available at the committee’s website:
Community members may also contact Committee Chair Sugimura’s office at 808-270-7939 or BFED Committee staff at 808-270-7838 with any questions or need for assistance.