Maui Now Exclusive: Names Obtained in Violence Reduction Sweep

Operation Violence Reduction 12. Photo courtesy US Marshals
Maui Now has obtained the list of names of those arrested on Maui as part of Operation Violence Reduction 12, a six-week effort that resulted in the arrests of 33 individuals on Maui and 162 across the state.
The US Marshals service tells us that of those arrested on Maui, the individuals account for 434 past arrests, averaging 13 prior arrests. The arrests also generated more than $3.6 million ($6.8 statewide) in bail from executed warrants.
The operation began on Feb. 1, 2016, and concluded earlier this month.
The Maui Police Department responded to our request for the names of those arrested, the list of which includes the following:
Edwir Agmata, 35, (male) of Wailuku: 8 felony arrests / 2 misdemeanor arrests
Jerome Akina, 48, (male) of Kīhei: 20 felony arrests /11 misdemeanor arrests
Guy Benz, 37, (male) of Kīhei: 14 felony arrests / 26 misdemeanor arrests
Joel Bissen, 27, (male) of Wailuku: 16 felony arrests / 8 misdemeanor arrests
Calvin Borge, 52, (male) of Kula: 1 felony arrest / 1 misdemeanor arrest
Jesse Boyde, 35, (male) of Lahaina: 5 felony arrests / 4 misdemeanor arrests
Jason Cabral, 33, (male) of Wailuku: 21 felony arrests / 29 misdemeanors arrests
Inca Calcine, 34, (male) of Haʻikū: 12 felony arrests / 6 misdemeanor arrests
Frederick Curimao, 45, (male) of Wailuku: 14 felony arrests / 2 misdemeanor arrests
Trevor Early, 33, (male) of Kīhei: 30 felony arrests / 21 misdemeanor arrests
Antonio Siverly Guido, 29, (male) of Wailuku: 6 felony arrests / 18 misdemeanor arrests
Joseph Hao, 48, (male) of Kīhei: 10 felony arrests /26 misdemeanor arrests
Gary Heard, 63, (male) of Pāʻia: 5 felony arrests / 5 misdemeanor arrests
Shane Hill, 44, (male) of Wailuku: 11 felony arrests / 4 misdemeanor arrests
Sandra Kahikina, 24, (female) of Kahului: 2 felony arrests / 1 misdemeanor arrests
Jadalee Kaiue, 33, (female) of Wailuku: 3 felony arrests / 12 misdemeanor arrests
Lopeka Kapaoi, 32, (female) of Wailuku: 17 felony arrests / 2 misdemeanor arrests
James Kenui, 44, (male) of Kīhei: 3 felony arrests /36 misdemeanor arrests
Yvonne Line, 36, (female) of Wailuku: 5 felony arrests / 3 misdemeanor arrests
Eric Magsanide, 54, (male) of Wailuku: 8 felony arrests / 9 misdemeanor arrests
Ricky Magsayo, 36, (male) of Kahului: 24 felony arrests / 6 misdemeanor arrests
Lee Manalo, 35, (male) of Wailuku: 4 felony arrests /35 misdemeanor arrests
Angelito Manegdeg, 47, (male) of Kīhei: 7 felony arrests / 25 misdemeanor arrests
Raven Martin, 32, (female) of Wailuku: 43 felony arrests / 12 misdemeanor arrests
Joseph Oania, 55, (male) of Kahului: 2 felony arrests / 7 misdemeanor arrests
Edward Pali, 55, (male) of Wailuku: 13 felony arrests / 16 misdemeanor arrests
Oliver Papagayo, 40, (male) of Wailuku: 4 felony arrests / 2 misdemeanor arrests
Kuulei Pescador, 39, (female) of Lahaina: 3 felony arrests / 3 misdemeanor arrests
Ikaika Ponce, 20 (male) of Haʻikū: 8 felony arrests / 13 misdemeanor arrests
John Richards, 56, (male) of Kahului: 8 felony arrests / 8 misdemeanor arrests
Jeffrey Santos, 44, (male) of Haʻikū: 56 felony arrests / 18 misdemeanor arrests
Waylon Santos, 36, (male) of Wailuku: 20 felony arrests /22 misdemeanor arrests
Michael Soto, 50, (male) of Kahului: 16 felony arrests / 20 misdemeanor arrests
Michael Wood, 48, (male) of Wailuku: 9 felony arrests / 18 misdemeanor arrests

Operation Violence Reduction 12. Photo courtesy US Marshals

Operation Violence Reduction 12. Photo courtesy US Marshals

Operation Violence Reduction 12. Photo courtesy US Marshals

Operation Violence Reduction 12. Photo courtesy US Marshals

Operation Violence Reduction 12. Photo courtesy US Marshals

Operation Violence Reduction 12. Photo courtesy US Marshals

Operation Violence Reduction 12. Photo courtesy US Marshals

Operation Violence Reduction 12. Photo courtesy US Marshals

Operation Violence Reduction 12. Photo courtesy US Marshals

Operation Violence Reduction 12. Photo courtesy US Marshals

Operation Violence Reduction 12. Photo courtesy US Marshals