14 New Cases Statewide; Household Cluster Adds 7 More to Kaua‘i Count
As a result of contact tracing of a new case yesterday, Department of Health investigators have identified seven additional positive cases on Kaua‘i who are household members with the previous case.
The new cases were already placed in quarantine when they were tested yesterday. Kaua‘i District Health Office is continuing their contact tracing of the household cluster this weekend and identification of additional contacts and testing is ongoing.
Kaua‘i had no cases for ten weeks and this raises the cumulative number of COVID-19 cases on the island to 29, since March. There are six (6) new cases on O‘ahu and one (1) on Maui for a total of 14 new cases confirmed in the past 24-hours, and a statewide case total of 803.
Health Director Dr. Bruce Anderson said, “We have investigated every case with positive test results and identified several household clusters over the last few days. The identification of these clusters and subsequent investigations resulted in the isolation and quarantine of cases and close contacts. These clusters reinforce the importance of maintaining safe practices, especially wearing masks and physically distancing when meeting with people outside your immediate ohana.” One of the new cases reported on O‘ahu was associated with a previously confirmed case, where both people had attended a house party.”
State Epidemiologist Dr. Sarah Park said, “It’s important to maintain physical distancing from those who don’t live in your household, but as this and other clusters demonstrate, coronavirus can be spread among people in the same household. We strongly urge people to take care and physically distance, no matter the setting…indoors or out, or at least wear a mask when around others outside your household.”
Health experts believe much of the spike in COVID-19 cases reported over the past few days is due to Hawai‘i residents relaxing safe practices, such as physical distancing, wearing of face masks and frequent hand washing.
“All of the people in the household cluster on Kaua‘i were isolated or quarantined promptly, said Dr. Janet Berreman, Kaua‘i District Health Officer. The decision to isolate or quarantine at home or in a facility is made jointly with the cases and contacts and the Department of Health. The option chosen is the one that works best for all. Household contacts were tested yesterday, and their results reported today. Testing of additional contacts will begin this weekend.”
Hawai‘i COVID-19 Counts as of 12:00 noon, June 20, 2020
Laboratory* Testing Data
There were 1,126 additional COVID-19 tests reported via electronic laboratory reporting.