Seabury Hall presents ‘KA‘AO: A Hula Drama’
Seabury Hall presents “KA‘AO: A Hula Drama,” a production by the school’s Hawaiian Studies Department. This unique cultural event will be held for one night only on Sunday, Dec. 15, at 5:30 p.m. at Seabury Hall’s A‘ali‘ikūmākani Creative Arts Center.
Tickets are available at Prices are $15 for adults, $12 for kupuna, $5 for students, and free for keiki under 4 years old.
Kumu Kamahiwa Kawa‘a, one of the show’s directors, shares the inspiration behind the production: “In the 1800s, newspapers were a vital way for Hawaiians to share stories about people, places, and events. These stories, known as ‘ka‘ao,’ connect us to our kupuna and culture, offering a window into the history of Hawai‘i and its people.”
Directed by Kumu Kamahiwa Kawa‘a and Kumu Kukini Suwa, “KA‘AO” features performances from Seabury Hall’s upper school hula class, middle school hula class, Hawaiian Ensemble, and students from the Hawaiian language classes.
“Through this presentation, we will explore and share the ka‘ao of Lahaina, honoring significant places such as Moku‘ula, Līhau, and Pa‘upa‘u,” Kumu Kawa‘a explains. “We aim to highlight the beauty of Lahaina, ka moku o lele, and celebrate its history and people.”