Maui Power Outage Updates:
Maui Traffic Advisories/Rd Closures:

Maui closures, cancellations, notices.
As Maui braces for the impacts associated with Tropical Storm Olivia, Maui Now is keeping track of what’s open and closed with an ongoing list of closures, cancellations and notices. Check back frequently to get the latest updates. Here’s what’s open and closed:
COUNTY OFFICES TO REOPEN ON THURSDAY 9.13.18: Mayor Alan Arakawa reports that all County offices will be open tomorrow and acknowledges all county, state, and federal personnel who have been working around-the-clock while Maui County’s emergency operating center is in full activation.
County Resumes Services on 9.13.18: This includes all regular Maui Bus stops and routes, county offices, landfills and recycling facilities. There will also be regular trash pickup.
University of Hawaiʻi Maui College and the UH Maui College education centers on Lanai, Molokai, Lahaina and Hāna will reopen Thursday following the closures due to Tropical Storm Olivia. UH officials closed the campus and education centers Tuesday night before the storm arrived. While the campus and centers will resume classes and operations Thursday, safety should remain everyoneʻs top priority. Monitor conditions, including road closures, in your area.
Public Schools: All public schools and Hawaii State Department of Education offices will be open tomorrow, Thursday, Sept. 13 except for Kilohana Elementary. All after school activities will resume statewide. “We will continue to work with county and state partners to monitor the weather through the night for Maui County and Kauai. If there are any updates for these areas, we will let the public know right away,” said Superintendent Dr. Christina Kishimoto. “Our schools were able to get through the storm largely in great shape; however, certain areas have family homes that were highly impacted. We appreciate everyone’s support and patience, and urge our school communities to remain vigilant through the rest of Hurricane Season.”
County & State Parks: All county parks are open with the exception of DT Fleming in West Maui due to heavy water damage and tree debris. State officials say most state parks in Maui County will reopen, with the exception of Wainapanapa State Park in East Maui, due to debris and fallen trees.
Haleakalā National Park will reopen on Thursday, Sept. 13, 2018 following Tropical Storm
Olivia. The Summit District will reopen at 8 a.m. Kīpahulu District will reopen at 1 p.m. All
trails and the back country will be open. We will resume issuance of back country camping and
cabin permits at 8 a.m. Thursday morning. All park facilities will be open with normal
operating hours. The Pools of ‘Oheʻo remain closed at this time.
Harbors: As of 5 p.m. Wednesday, September 12, 2018, All commercial harbors statewide have been returned to Hurricane Season readiness by the Captain of the Port, which means that harbors operations in water and on land may resume.
Maui Bus service will resume normal operations on Thursday, Sept. 13. This includes all services: commuter, fixed route and paratransit. Human service transportation provided by Maui Economic Opportunity, Inc. will also resume normal operations on Thursday, Sept. 13, EXCEPT FOR HANA. Hotels will be contacted to inform their employees regarding the resumption of regular commuter service. A message will be posted on the Maui Bus app to inform regular Maui Bus riders.
The Maui Electric’s Customer Service and Engineering offices at 210 W. Kamehameha Ave. will be open to customers on Thursday, Sept. 13.
Bank of Hawaiʻi will resume normal operating hours beginning tomorrow, Thursday, Sept. 13 for all 12 branches in Maui County (10 on Maui, 1 on Lānaʻi, 1 on Molokaʻi).
American Savings Bank branches on Maui and Molokai will resume normal business hours on Thursday, Sept. 13. ASB’s remote and online services remain available, including online and mobile banking. For support, customers may also contact the ASB Customer Banking Center at 808-627-6900. For a complete listing of branches and ATMs, visit The following branches will be resume normal business hours on Thursday, Sept. 13: Kahului (150 Hookele Street); Kehalani Foodland (370 Kehalani Village Drive); Kihei Piilani Village Shopping Center (255 Piikea Avenue Bldg); Lahaina (154 Papalaua Street); Pukalani (55 Pukalani Street); Molokai (40 Ala Malama Street)
Earlier Closure Announcements:
State non-essential workers: have been granted administrative leave in Maui County (Including those on Maui, Molokai and Lanai) as the state prepares for severe weather resulting from Tropical Storm Olivia. State offices on Maui, Lānaʻi and Molokaʻi will be closed on Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2018. State employees who fall into one of the following categories are required to report to work, unless it is determined that the employee can be excused: Departmental Disaster/Emergency Coordinators; Disaster Response Workers; and Employees whose work involves continuing crucial operations/services, such as hospital workers, correctional workers, etc.
Maui County non-essential workers: All non-essential Maui County offices are closed on Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2018.
Judiciary/Courts: The Hawaiʻi State Judiciary announced that its courts and facilities in Maui County will be closed Wednesday, Sept. 12. As a result of the closures, Hawaiʻi Supreme Court Chief Justice Mark E. Recktenwald has issued an order extending any Maui County (Second Circuit) court matter with a filing or hearing due date of Sept. 12 until Sept. 13. All documents due to have been filed shall be deemed to have been timely filed if they are filed by Sept. 13. In addition, hearings or trials cancelled due to the closure of the courts will be rescheduled to the next available date with due consideration for any statutory mandates. Employees in the Second Circuit should not report to work Wednesday, unless contacted by their supervisor to provide required services.
Effective at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2018, emergency evacuation shelters were established at:
*Numbers is parenthesis are how many people were being accommodated at respective shelters as of 10:52 p.m. on 9.11.18.
- Maui High School (pet friendly); (30)
- Kīhei Elementary School (pet friendly); (11)
- Kalama Intermediate (pet friendly); (2)
- Hāna High & Elementary School; (1)
- Molokaʻi High School; (1)
- Lānaʻi Elementary and High School (1); and
- Lahaina Civic Center (16).
- *Note: Smoking and drinking are not allowed at shelters or in parking lots. Pets entering a pet-friendly shelter must be in a pet carrier or cage for safety. Owners must provide water and food for their pets and will be expected to assist in the care of their pets.Shelter evacuees must bring their own food, water and blankets. In case of a power outage at a shelter, please remember to also bring a flashlight or battery-operated lantern.
9-1-1 For Emergency Situations Only During Storm: Maui County officials are advising residents that emergency services calls to 9-1-1 during the storm should be reserved for emergency situations only. Fire or Police may not be able to respond to 9-1-1 calls should the storm intensify to the point that storm conditions make it too dangerous to respond. Maui Fire Department and Maui Police Department will assess each situation and respond as long as storm conditions are safe to do so. Maui Police Department does not have a specific wind threshold for cutting off services, but will stop responding to 9-1-1 calls if it is not safe to do so, according to Maui Police Chief Tivoli Faaumu. Maui Police ask that calls to 9-1-1 be used whenever there is a potential loss of life or serious injury.
University of Hawaiʻi Maui College: The University of Hawaiʻi Maui College and all UH education centers in Maui County are closed as of 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 11 and will be closed Wednesday, Sept. 12 in anticipation of the arrival of Tropical Storm Olivia. This includes the education centers on Molokaʻi and Lānaʻi and in Lahaina and Hāna. To be clear, all Tuesday night classes scheduled after 4:30 p.m. are cancelled. UH Maui College officials will determine when the campus and centers will reopen.
DOE Public Schools Closed on Maui on Wednesday, Sept. 12 (11:44 a.m. HST 9.11.18 update): All public schools and Hawaiʻi State Department of Education offices in Maui County will be closed Wednesday, Sept. 12. After school activities remain cancelled for Maui, Molokaʻi and Lānaʻi as the state prepares for impacts from Tropical Storm Olivia. All other schools statewide will be open Wednesday. In Maui County, all after school activities will remain cancelled for Tuesday Sept. 11, and Hāna High & Elementary is closed.
Charter Schools: Families of students in charter schools are asked to contact their schools directly to learn about closures, or visit the Public Charter School Commission’s website. All three charter schools in Maui County have also announced closures for Wednesday, Sept. 12, including: Kīhei Charter, Kualapuʻu Charter and Hawaiʻi Technology Academy- Maui Campus Charter schools.
Seabury Hall will be closed on Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2018.
Kamehameha Schools: Kamehameha Schools’ campus, preschools and community programs on Maui and Molokaʻi will be CLOSED on Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2018 in anticipation of effects from Tropical Storm Olivia. After-school and evening activities are also cancelled. *Assessment and decisions on KS operations and programs will be determined as needed.
Saint Anthony School: will be closed on Wednesday, Sept. 12.
Sacred Hearts School in Lahaina: Sacred Hearts School in Lahaina will be closed on Wednesday, Sept. 12, due to the increased Hurricane Olivia threat to Maui County.
Doris Todd school will be OPEN on Tuesday, but there will be no after care or activities. Doris Todd will be closed on Wednesday and will update parents when the school will resume normal operations.
MEO Head Start Centers: MEO Head Start centers on Maui and Molokaʻi, and the MEO Kahi Kamalii Infant and Toddler Center will be closed on Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2018 due to anticipated severe weather from Tropical Storm Olivia. The status of reopening will be confirmed as weather conditions improve.
Christ the King Child Development Center: Closed on Wednesday, Sept. 12.
St. Joseph Early Learning Center at 1294 Makawao Avenue will be closed Wed. Sept. 12, 2018.
Public Libraries: Hana Public Library will be closed until further notice. All other public libraries on Maui, Molokai and Lanai will be closed on Wednesday only. Fines for books and materials due during the closure period will be waived.
Airports: In general, State of Hawaiʻi airports will remain open unless there is damage to the runway or terminal facilities. The Ellison Onizuka Kona International Airport at Keahole may restrict passenger boarding and deplaning during high winds or heavy rains. Operational status for the seven major Hawaiʻi airports can be found HERE. Air travelers with confirmed tickets for travel into or out of Hawaiʻi airports are encouraged to check with their airline for potential flight delays, cancelations, or travel waivers before going to the airport. Hilo International Airport, Kahului Airport, the Daniel K. Inouye International Airport, and Līhue Airport have activated their visual paging systems to alert incoming passengers to the warnings associated with Tropical Storm Olivia.
Hawaiian Airlines: Due to tropical storm conditions forecasted for Maui County, ‘Ohana by Hawaiian flights for Wednesday, Sept. 12, have been canceled. All other Hawaiian Airlines neighbor island and transpacific flights are operating as scheduled. However, guests are advised to visit to check their flight status.
‘Ohana Airlines and Makani Kai are cancelling all flights for Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2018.
Harbors: HDOT Harbors Division continues to protect Hawaiʻi’s commercial ports–the lifeline for Hawaiʻi’s communities for food, medical supplies, clothing, household goods and practically everything we consume. Commercial Harbors statewide have been placed in Zulu by the US Coast Guard Captain of the Port. Port Condition Zulu is set within 12 hours of the expected onset of tropical storm (or gale force) winds. During Zulu, all movements within commercial harbors require approval of the Captain of the Port. Additional HDOT requirements have been communicated from last week to harbor users to remind them of their responsibilities to keep their vessels in full operating capabilities during Hurricane Preparedness Season. Failure to evacuate ports prior to Zulu puts the supply system everyone in the islands depends on at risk, either from damage caused by vessels striking piers or from sunken vessels becoming navigational hazards in the harbor. Click here for more information on Hurricane Preparedness for Hawaiʻi’s commercial harbors.
Highways: HDOT Highways Division staff on all islands have been engaged in routine pre-storm preparation, such as clearing drain inlets, catch basins, culverts, and other waterways and notifying those doing construction on state routes to remove best management practices that typically reduce the capacity of drains to filter water entering our storm water management system. Reports of debris on a state road can be made to Highways Maintenance Hotlines and follow the voice prompts: Hawaiʻi Island: (808) 933-8866; Maui: (808) 873-3535. Crews have been placed on standby but will not be sent out in unsafe storm conditions. Motorists are advised to stay off the road during the onset of high winds and potential flash flood events.
Maui Bus: Maui Bus service will continue as usual for Tuesday, Sept. 11. On Wednesday, Sept. 12, all Maui Bus service will be cancelled. The bus stop at the Queen Kaʻahumanu Center will be open Tuesday, Sept. 11, through 9 p.m.
Expeditions: The Expeditions ferry will cease operations after the 2 p.m. ferry from Lānaʻi due to weather and surf conditions. The ferry will resume operations on Thursday morning at 6:45 a.m.
Maui Economic Opportunity, Inc. (MEO): will close all locations on Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2018 in anticipation of dangerous conditions from Tropical Storm Olivia. The Maui County Department of Transportation reported there will be no Maui Bus Services on Sept. 12, therefore MEO Paratransit will not operate. MEO Human Services will provide essential transportation service under the direction of the Maui Department of Transportation in conjunction with Civil Defense.
MAIL: All Post Offices on the islands of Maui, Molokaʻi and Lānaʻi will be closed on Wednesday. All other Post Offices across the state will be open and mail will be delivered, weather and local conditions permitting
Keālia Pond National Wildlife Refuge: The US Fish and Wildlife Service will close Keālia Pond National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center and the Keālia Coastal Boardwalk on Wednesday, Sept. 12, in preparation for any effects from Tropical Storm Olivia. If circumstances allow, the Refuge plans to reopen on Thursday, Sept. 13.
Haleakalā NP to Close Tuesday Afternoon: the Summit and Kīpahulu Districts of Haleakalā NP will close at 2 p.m. Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 11, 2018. The entrance gates will be locked and the park will not open for sunrise viewing on Wednesday or Thursday morning (September 12 or 13, 2018). Park managers will assess conditions on the morning of Thursday, September 13 and re-open the park once it is safe to do so.
DLNR State Parks on Maui: Waiʻānapanapa State Park, Maui-Closing at noon on Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2018. Other Maui Nui Parks-Closing at regular closing times on Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2018. The DLNR Division of State Parks has decided to keep all Hawai’i island park units open on Tuesday, Sept. 11, based on the current track of tropical storm Olivia.
Maui County Parks: Hāna Bay and the Keʻanae Restrooms will be closed by 1 p.m. today to prepare for the heavy rains in East Maui. The rest of our county parks and park facilities will be closed tomorrow.
Trash Pickup: There will be no trash pickup on Wednesday, Sept. 12.
Landfills: All county landfills will be closed on Wednesday, Sept. 12.
Recycling Centers: All County of Maui Residential Recycling Drop Box Centers will be closed Wednesday, Sept. 12, in preparation for Tropical Storm Olivia. Locations to be closed include: Kīhei, Makawao, Haʻikū, Hāna, Olowalu Transfer Station, and UH Maui campus on Maui; Recycle Molokaʻi at Molokaʻi Landfill and the Mobile HI-5 redemption center on Molokaʻi; and the HI-5 redemption center on Lānaʻi. Recycling centers are scheduled to reopen Thursday, Sept. 13, 2018. Residents are asked to hold recyclables until the centers reopen. Please kōkua and do not dump materials outside recycling center gates – it’s both dangerous and illegal.
Water Conservation Urged: The Department of Water Supply asks that all customers conserve water due to high winds and/or flooding that could disrupt power supply to water sources. Customers should store drinking water for use during the storm in the event of a shutoff. In general, consumers should have a safe supply of water for emergency use by storing one gallon of water per person per day for 14 days, as well as have some water on hand for pets. Customers can call the 24-hour service line (808) 270-7633 only if a water problem occurs.
Kaiser Permanente: Is suspending all Neighbor Island travel for providers, staff, and patients on Tuesday, Sept. 11 and Wednesday Sept. 12. Patients are being contacted to reschedule their appointments and procedures. On Maui, the Kīhei and Lahaina Clinics are CLOSED on Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2018. All other Maui facilities will be OPEN Tuesday 9.11.18, including after-hours care at Maui Lani Medical Office. All Maui facilities will be CLOSED Wednesday, Sept. 12. On Hawaiʻi Island, Hilo Clinic will be reopening Tuesday 9.11.18, at 1 p.m. for urgent care. All other Hawaiʻi Island facilities are OPEN Tuesday, Sept. 11 and Wednesday, Sept. 12.
VA Outpatient Clinic Closures: The following Community Based Outpatient Clinics will be closed Wednesday, Sept. 12: Maui CBOC; Moloka’i VA clinic; Lāna’i VA clinic; Spark Matsunaga Ambulatory Care Clinic on O’ahu; and the Leeward CBOC on O’ahu.
Diagnostic Laboratory Services, Inc. announced that due to the possibility of severe weather and flooding caused by Tropical Storm Olivia, all Maui satellite locations will be closed on Wednesday, Sept. 12.
MAPA: Classes are running on Tuesday, Sept. 11, as scheduled. Classes are CANCELLED on Wednesday, Sept. 12 due to Tropical Storm Olivia. The MAPA office is also CLOSED on Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2018.
Queen Kaʻahumanu Center: Queen Kaʻahumanu Center will be closing on Tuesday,
Sept. 11 at 5 p.m., through Wednesday, Sept. 12. QKC expects to reopen on Thursday,
Sept. 13, 2018 with normal operating hours, pending a post storm assessment.
Hawaii State FCU: Hawaiʻi State FCU’s Kahului branch will be temporarily closed on Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2018, due to Tropical Storm Olivia. The company apologizes for any inconvenience.
Bank of Hawaiʻi is closing all 12 branches in Maui County (10 on Maui, 1 on Lānaʻi, 1 on Molokaʻi) today, Wednesday, Sept. 12. Bank of Hawaiʻi will continue to assess the status of our branches, and will update the public on closures and re-openings as Tropical Storm Olivia continues on its path.
American Savings Bank branches on Maui and Molokaʻi will be closed on Wednesday, Sept. 12 due to Tropical Storm Olivia. Branches will return to normal business hours once conditions are safe for customers and teammates. The following branches will be closed on Wednesday, Sept. 12: Kahului (150 Hoʻokele Street); Kehalani Foodland (370 Kehalani Village Drive); Kīhei Piʻilani Village Shopping Center (255 Piʻikea Avenue); Lahaina (154 Papalaua Street); Pukalani (55 Pukalani Street); Molokaʻi (40 Ala Mālama Street).
First Hawaiian Bank: All First Hawaiian Bank Maui and Lanai branches will be closed on Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2018, due to Tropical Storm Olivia. These branches will re-open when conditions are safe to do so. Customers may access their accounts via FHB Online and FHB Mobile app or may call the FHB Customer Service Center at 1-888-844-4444.
Central Pacific Bank: All Central Pacific Bank branches on Maui will be closed on Wednesday, Sept. 12; and will reopen as soon as it is safe to do so. All other branches and bank operations will remain open, business as usual. Online Banking, Mobile Banking, and ATMs will remain operational.
Catholic Charities Hawai‘i office on Maui: For the safety of clients and staff, the Catholic Charities Hawai‘i office on Maui will remain closed on Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2018. The Maui office is located at 2050 Main Street in Wailuku. Other CCH offices and facilities statewide are open on Wednesday, Sept. 12, until further notice.
Sand Bag Storm Prep: Hawai‘i Materials Recycling on Maui Offering Sand for Storm Prep. The facility is located in Kīhei by the waste water treatment facility at 2111 Piʻilani Highway. If headed south, the business is located on the left at the turn before the traffic light to the police station.
Hawai‘i Gas has Sufficient Propane Supplies Statewide Ahead of Olivia: Hawaiʻi Gas has supplied Hawaiʻi’s first responders such as the Coast Guard, police and fire departments as well as critical facilities such as hospitals to have an adequate supply of gas for the storm. Hawaiʻi Gas representatives say the company is also continuing to supply propane dispensers across all islands to ensure that the public has enough propane during this event.
Maui Electric Company issued some information to help customers prepare for potential impacts of Olivia as the Tropical Storm approaches the island chain. Maui Electric is urging customers to prepare for high winds and heavy rain that can cause power outages, and to make electrical safety a priority. ***For POWER OUTAGE UPDATES CLICK HERE***
Maui Adult Day Care Centers: (All Five Locations: Kahului, Ocean View, Kīhei, Lahaina and Hāna) are closed on Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2018, due to Olivia. Administrators say their first priority is for the safety of Maui kupuna and team members.
Maui Ki Aikido: Due to the approaching storm, Maui Ki-Aikido postpones by one week the start of their 4-week introductory Aikido course for teens and adults at the Tavares Community Center in Pukalani. The class will start on Sept. 18 and run for four consecutive Tuesdays, from 8 to 9:30 p.m., through Oct. 9.
Businesses that are OPEN on 9.12.18:
(below is a list of places that contacted us letting us know that they are OPEN for business)
Takamiya Market in Wailuku is OPEN on Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2018.
Haliimaile General Store and Gannon‘s restaurant are open Sept. 12, 2018 for dinner