Ask the Mayor: What Happened to MPD’s Body Cameras?

Maui Police body-worn cameras being utilized as part of the one-month pilot program. Photo courtesy Maui Police.
Mayor Alan Arakawa answers some of the most-asked questions submitted to his office staff.
Aloha Mayor,
Q: Do you know what is happening with the police department’s body cameras? Is it going forward or not? If it is, I have a suggestion: Don’t just assign these cameras randomly; give them to any patrol officer who has been under review or had a complaint filed against him or her in recent years. I think it will benefit both the officer, MPD and the public if we can do it this way. Mahalo.
A: It sounds like the program is moving along. I spoke with the police department about an update and this is what was passed along to my office:
“The Maui Police Department has received funding towards the purchase of a Body-Worn Camera (BWC) System for our officers. We are currently working to create a Request for Proposal to be published in early 2016. Based on the responses to the RFP, a few vendors will be selected to participate in product testing, after which, the BWC Committee will forward a recommendation to the Office of the Chief for selection. During that period, we will also be working on creating policies and procedures for the use of the BWC. The deployment of the BWC will not be based on an officer’s performance or random selection.”
Want to Ask the Mayor?
Submit your questions about County of Maui programs, services, operations or policies to Mayor Alan Arakawa via email, by phone at 270-7855 or by mail to 200 S. High St., 9th Floor, Wailuku, HI 96793. Questions submitted will be considered for inclusion in the Ask the Mayor column.