Hawaiʻi Department of Health issues red placard to Lahaina restaurant

Update: April 18, 2022
Hawai‘i Department of Health approves reopening of Fu Lin Chinese Restaurant in Lahaina
The Hawai‘i Department of Health’s Food Safety Branch issued Fu Lin Chinese Restaurant a green placard and approved its reopening after a follow-up inspection found that all the critical food safety violations were corrected.
Fu Lin Chinese Restaurant, located at 1312 Front Street, received a red placard on April 4, 2022 and was immediately closed. Follow-up inspections conducted on April 6 and 12 found that critical violations were corrected.
The food establishment was advised to continue weekly pest treatments and monitor pest activity in the establishment for two months.
Previous Post:
The Hawai‘i Department of Health’s Food Safety Branch issued a red “closed” placard and temporarily shut down Fu Lin Chinese Restaurant, located at 1312 Front St. in Lahaina on Monday, April 4, 2022.
The food establishment, operated by AL & JL, LLC must remain closed until the health department conducts a follow-up inspection and all of the violations are resolved, according to a department press release.
During a routine inspection conducted earlier this week, the DOH inspector noted alleged violations including: about two dozen cockroaches throughout the kitchen; a live cat in the kitchen; rodent droppings throughout the kitchen; multiple holes/openings in walls, ceiling, and floor where pests can enter; Food debris and grease accumulation throughout the kitchen; lack of sanitizer in the mechanical dishwasher; improper temperatures of potentially hazardous foods; and; use of a hand wash sink for purposes other than hand washing.
A followup inspection was conducted on April 6 with additional alleged violations noted including: a live rat in front bar; roach activity in the kitchen; and rodent excrement in the kitchen. The inspector noted improvement during the followup inspection, towards cleaning grease and food debris and filling holes and gaps in kitchen walls, ceilings, and floors.
“Based on the severity of pest activity, the restaurant should remain closed to protect public health,” DOH said in the release.
The next follow up inspection is scheduled for April 11.
Maui Now reached out to the restaurant via phone, but the voicemail box for the business was full.
To view restaurant inspection reports, go to http://hi.healthinspections.us/hawaii/.