New book highlights community planning in Lahaina, Maui
The newly released book “Whose Future? Community Planning in West Maui” chronicles the more than 50 public meetings that led to the adoption of the current West Maui Community Plan, the first such update in three decades.
“Whose Future?” draws solely from the public record to tell the story of how the community sought to shape its own land use future. This narrative gains renewed relevance in light of the tragic August 2023 fire, as West Maui faces complex decisions around disaster relief and rebuilding.
The book, authored by Lisa Huynh Eller, is now available for purchase online through the University of Hawai‘i Press and at select local retailers.
The 2021 West Maui Community Plan, examined in the book, offers a lens into the competing visions of land use in the region. As the West Maui community moves forward, Eller’s work encourages reflection on the future of community-driven planning and the potential conflicts that lie ahead.
Lisa Huynh Eller is a longtime writer, former public affairs reporter and communications professional based in Hilo, Hawai‘i. She owns Big Blue Studio, a communications consultancy serving nonprofits and businesses across the state.

Whose Future? is the 16th publication in the West Maui book series and is distributed by the University of Hawai’i Press:
Other recent publications in the series include: ‘Ohu‘ohu nā Mauna o ‘E‘eka: Place Names of Maui Komohana by Cody Pueo Pata and Historical Investigations in West Maui edited by Lance D. Collins and Bianca Isaki. Both are also distributed by UH Press: