Hirono, Sullivan introduce bill to establish VA call centers in rural states

US Sens. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaiʻi) and Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) have introduced the Representing VA with Accuracy (REP VA) Act, a bipartisan bill that would require the Department of Veterans Affairs to establish in-state call centers in rural states like Hawai‘i and Alaska.
Hirono, a member of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, said the bill would help reduce wait times and protect veterans from scams by requiring VA calls to come from clearly identified, official numbers.
“All veterans, especially those in rural and remote areas, should be able to pick up the phone and speak to someone who understands their community,” she said.
The bill also mandates that VA calls use caller ID branding to confirm they are made by or on behalf of the department.
The full text of the legislation is available here.