Maui Arts & Entertainment

Draft designs inspired by Kalepolepo Fishpond now available on Kīhei’s new street art project

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The public may now vote and comment on two design themes included in the second community survey for the South Maui Quick Build: Street Art Project, which aims to create a community-driven art design at the intersection of Kenolio Road and Alulike Street, the Maui Metropolitan Planning Organization announced.

Link to community survey: 

An online survey and in-person community meeting were held last month to gather feedback for the project, where artist Matthew Agcolicol based his drafts and was inspired by the Kalepolepo Fishpond. The two design themes are:

Loko Iʻa (Fishpond)


The first design is inspired by the project location’s proximity to the ocean and the surrounding area’s history, which included royal fishponds. The “Loko Iʻa” design features a color palette of turquoise to navy blue, symbolizing the blend of fresh and salt water from the Kalepolepo Fishpond. The design also incorporates graphics of fish species such as the ama’ama (mullet) and awa (milkfish) both of which were historically farmed in the fishpond, which served as a vital resource for the people of the Moku of Kula from AD 1500 to 1880.

Ke One (The Sand)

The second design draws inspiration from the sand dunes near the Kalepolepo Fishpond. The name “Kalepolepo,” meaning “the dirt,” originated during the repair of the fishponds when workers moving stones created large clouds of dust in the air. This design features a gold to brown color palette symbolizing the transition from dry to wet sand. The “Ke One” design emphasizes native wildlife and plants, such as the honu (Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle), which is known to visit the shores of the fishpond, and pōhuehue (Beach Morning Glory), a coastal vine characterized by its large purple and pink flowers helping prevent erosion.


Select your preferred design theme, and leave comments in Survey #2 on The survey will close on Sunday, March 30, 2025. For questions regarding this project, please contact

The South Maui Quick Build Street Art Project is a collaboration between the Maui MPO, the County of Maui Department of Public Works, the Department of Planning, the State Department of Health, the Healthy Eating + Active Living Coalition, and SSFM International. This project is supported by the Ulupono Fund at the Hawaiʻi Community Foundation.

For more information on the project and to view the results of the first round of community input, visit


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