Work to remove pilings along Front Street slated to start around April 1

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Potential navy pilings for removal. PC: County of Maui.

A project to remove pilings from waterfront Front Street properties to mitigate safety hazards will begin soon, according to an announcement by the County of Maui Office of Recovery.

During construction that is anticipated to begin around April 1, 2025, both vehicle and pedestrian access to the 700 and 800 blocks of Front Street, as well as recreational land and ocean areas within the work zone, will remain closed. For safety reasons, the public is advised to stay clear of barricaded areas and to keep a distance from construction equipment.

Potential navy pilings for removal. PC: County of Maui.

Construction will be focused on the 700 and 800 blocks of Front Street between Dickenson Street and Papalaua Street. Mobilization of construction equipment is expected to start this week, and the project is scheduled to last approximately 90 days, with completion anticipated by June 30, 2025.


The removal of pilings will be conducted by the US Army Corps of Engineers and the US Navy, along with their contractors, in coordination with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the County of Maui, and the State of Hawai‘i’s Department of Land and Natural Resources. This joint effort ensures the project is carried out safely and efficiently.

Pilings are concrete support columns for structures built over the water, and their removal is a crucial step in the ongoing recovery from the 2023 Maui wildfires. The structures they once supported were severely damaged or destroyed, and the removal of approximately 232 pilings, along with other hazardous debris such as metal beams and bolts, will help eliminate safety risks in the area.

For more information, please contact the Maui County Office of Recovery at (808) 270-4343 or via email Additionally, the USACE Debris Hotline can be reached at (877) 214-9117.

Potential navy pilings for removal. PC: County of Maui.


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