Maui Discussion
Ask The Mayor: Why is Sakamoto Pool Closed?
Why can’t we delay the pool repairs until August when kids are back in school or close off one locker room at a time to keep the pool open?
Ask The Mayor: Why Are Service Fees Incurred for Online Bill Pay?
This seems unfair to our residents and just another way to nickel and dime us come bill payment time, rather than passing on the savings the County is realizing back to the residents.
Ask The Mayor: Better Signage Requested to Notify Motorists of Delays
Why isn’t there a Variable Message Sign on Honoapiʻilani Highway in the Lahaina direction? This would serve to alert drivers of accidents and/or construction.
Ask The Mayor: Why Isn’t the New Bike-Passing Law Better Enforced?
From riding daily on the roads here it seems that the motorists, commercial trucks and buses have not gotten the message that this law exists.
Ask The Mayor: When Will Kēōkea Playground Reopen?
The playground at Kēōkea Park is currently fenced-off. Any estimates as to when the play structure will reopen?
Ask The Mayor: How Should Pedestrians Use a Four-Way Stop?
Recently, I hit a four-way stop and drivers had no idea what to do when a pedestrian is standing on the corner. What do you do when they’re waiting on the sidewalk?
Ask The Mayor: When Will Kulanihakoi Street Access Reopen?
We were given a notice that Kulanihakoi Street access to Piʻilani Highway would last until April 30. Is there a new expected opening date?
Ask The Mayor: Are Golf Carts Street-Legal?
I knew lots of people who used those low-speed electric golf carts (21-25 mph) that were outfitted to be street legal. Are these things legal on Maui streets?
Ask The Mayor: Can We Get New Bus Stops?
Could the county please consider new bus stop structures on the lower blocks of W. Papa Avenue?
Ask The Mayor: Is it Illegal to Block Fire Extinguisher Access?
What is the law for maintaining unobstructed area by fire extinguishers outside buildings?
Ask The Mayor: Why Does Maui Still Sell Styrofoam Coolers?
Are these styrofoam coolers legal? If the coolers are not banned, they need to be as they are super flimsy and break very easily.
Ask The Mayor: When Will the County Fix Access to Papalaua Beach?
When will the county fix the access at Papalaua Beach? It’s extremely dangerous due to erosion and vehicles are in danger when they enter and exit.
Ask The Mayor: Can I Get a Slow Down Sign on My Street?
Is there any way a “slow down” sign could be placed in my neighborhood in Haiku?
Ask The Mayor: What’s the Noise Ordinance for Ag Zones?
Aloha, my question is because we are zoned Agriculture in Launiupoko, is our noise ordinance (quiet hours) after 9 p.m. and before 9 a.m.?
Ask The Mayor: What Items are Recycled on Maui?
I have heard rumors that certain items like glass are just being thrown into the landfill and that cardboard will soon be given the same treatment. Is this correct?
Ask The Mayor: What Should I Do if I Think My Neighbors Smoke Marijuana?
Do I have the right to call police and ask them to investigate if it is legit or actually a pot session? I’m just concerned about our health. Please advise.
Ask The Mayor: Why is the Speed Limit on Hāna Highway so Slow?
Why are the speed limits on Hāna Highway past Pāʻia mostly 30 or 35 miles per hour? Please raise the speed limits on Hāna Highway. Mahalo.
Ask The Mayor: Was There a Plastic Straw Ban?
I understand there was a huge push for no straws on Maui but why do some restaurants still give out straws?
Ask The Mayor: Does a Room Need a Closet to List as a Bedroom?
Aloha, I would like to know if a 10-foot by 12-foot room can be classified as a bedroom, even though it doesn’t have a built-in closet.
Ask The Mayor: How Can We Get the County to Trim Trees?
The trees along Hoʻokele Street from Target to Zippy’s are overgrown. How can we arrange to have these trees trimmed?