Latest Fire Recovery News
Hours extended for reentry access into Lahaina Wildfire Disaster zone
The Maui Emergency Management Agency has extended hours for reentry access into the Lahaina Wildfire Disaster zone to 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. The extension only applies to those entering the zone with a vehicle reentry pass.
Army Corps and EPA working to address water quality concerns at new temporary King Kamehameha III Elementary campus
The initial indication is the concerns reported were the result of stagnant water that was not properly cycling through the system due to low usage prior to students returning to the school. While waiting for test results, Pono Aina Management, the contractor who built the school, will provide bottled drinking water to students, faculty and staff.
Maui Office of Economic Development shares results of post-wildfire Business Health Check survey
The County of Maui Office of Economic Development (OED) this week published the findings of its Maui Business Health Check survey. Conducted from January to February 2024, the survey garnered responses from 290 businesses, shedding light on the post-wildfire challenges faced by the Maui business community and offering insights for progress.
Workforce development opportunities offered for Maui wildfire survivors
The Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement in partnership with Kupu, Hawaiʻi’s largest youth-focused conservation and sustainability nonprofit, is offering workforce opportunities for wildfire-impacted residents on Maui.
Residents asked to participate in survey on creation of Lahaina Recovery Plan
The County of Maui Office of Recovery invites residents to participate in an online community survey questionnaire to help shape the creation of the Lahaina Recovery Plan. The survey will be available through May 15, 2024, and can be found on Maui Recovers’ Ola Lahaina page at
Mayor Bissen’s Weekly Disaster Recovery Community Update Meetings resume Wednesday in Lahaina
Mayor Richard Bissen’s Weekly Disaster Recovery Community Update Meetings resume this week at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 3, at Lahaina Civic Center after pausing for spring break and the holidays.
Lahaina Strong rally and march draws 300 in call for dignified housing for fire survivors in West Maui
Organizers say this reclamation of housing inventory would directly address the pressing need for homes and remedy the housing crisis in the community with 3,000 people still living in the hotels.
Lahaina Strong Fishing for Dignified Housing Hui host rally today, demand reclamation of housing inventory
Lahaina Strong Fishing for Dignified Housing Hui will hold a rally and march in Kā‘anapali today. Organizers say their primary demand is for the conversion of units on the Minatoya list and the reclamation of housing inventory.
State buys former Maui Sun Hotel from Haggai Institute for fire survivor and workforce housing
The Hawaiʻi Housing Finance and Development Corp. has closed on the purchase of the former Maui Sun Hotel in Kīhei from Haggai International Institute for Advanced Leadership Training, the state agency announced Thursday.
OHA Kanaaho Grant aimed at providing relief to Lahaina and Kula residents affected by wildfire
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs announced the upcoming launch of the OHA Kanaaho Grant, providing critical support to homeowners and renters in the wildfire impact zones of Lahaina and Kula. Under the program, a one-time $9,000 grant can be awarded to eligible homeowners who experienced hardship; and a one-time $4,000 grant can be awarded to eligible renters who experienced hardship.
Senate WAM Committee passes Budget Bill, emergency appropriations following Maui wildfires
The Senate Ways and Means committee unanimously approved House Bill 679 Senate Draft 2 and House Bill 2610 Senate Draft 2, to allocate funding to address ongoing and escalating costs to non-congregate sheltering, development of temporary and permanent housing, and other needs.
IRS further extends tax relief for Maui wildfire victims, pushing 2023 deadlines to Aug. 7
The Internal Revenue Service further postponed until Aug. 7, 2024, various tax-filing and tax-payment deadlines for individuals and businesses affected by the Aug. 8, 2023, wildfires in Hawaiʻi. Previously, the deadline was Feb. 15, 2024.
Grace Baptist Church seeking a change of zoning to rebuild in Lahaina
Maui County Council members have referred a bill to the Maui Planning Commission for a conditional change of zoning from residential to public/quasi-public for Grace Baptist Church, which was destroyed Aug. 8 in the Lahaina wildfire.
Gov. Green decides against STR moratorium; hopes to have all wildfire displaced Maui residents out of hotels by July 1
With more than 3,000 wildfire displaced residents on Maui still living in hotels, Gov. Josh Green says there are enough units available now through rental and direct lease programs that he expects to have the remaining residents transitioned out to longer-term solutions by July 1, 2024.
Gov. Green to deliver Maui housing plan update
Gov. Josh Green, M.D., will address the state of Hawai‘i to provide the latest information on housing plans for wildfire-displaced Maui residents during a press conference at 12:30 this afternoon at the state Capitol.
Maui to receive more than $35M in federal funding to rebuild public and senior housing destroyed in fires
The new funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency will help restore the David Malo Circle and Pi‘ilani Elderly Homes and Community Center facilities to pre-disaster design and function.
Lahaina keiki publish their own art book, find comfort in a creative outlet after the fires
A group of students affected by the August 2023 Lahaina wildfire have written and illustrated their own book, which has been published with help from Lahaina Arts Guild. Honokōwai Learning Hub was formed shortly after the fires. This group was dedicated to supporting keiki and providing a creative outlet for their emotions and a safe, […]
Up to $22,500 in grant funds for Maui producers impacted by August 2023 Maui wildfires
The Maui Mahiʻai Disaster Relief Grant Program offers up to $22,500 in grant funds for 10 small farmers and ranchers on the island of Maui who have been affected by August 2023 Maui wildfires. These grants are designed to provide emergency disaster funding and education and may be used to directly increase agricultural resilience against natural disasters and to assist in recovering market losses.
Lahaina Strong to host rally for dignified housing, March 30
The Lahaina Strong group is planning a rally for dignified housing on Saturday, March 30, at 4 p.m. in Kāʻanapali. The event continues the call for government leaders to use their executive powers now to achieve dignified housing for fire survivors in West Maui.
A place for healing: Temporary King Kamehameha III campus blessed
The dedication and blessing of the temporary campus for Kamehameha III Elementary School, makai of Kapalua Airport, was a milestone for the community of Lahaina on Monday as residents took another step in recovering from the August wildfires.